ZeroEQ  0.9.0
ZeroEQ - Zero Event Queue
Publishing the REST API exposed by the HTTP Server

The http server exposes C++ objects via a REST API, in a JSON serialized format. The purpose of this document is to describe how this API request is implemented and invoked.


  • Define how to invoke the application REST API
  • Implement the JSON representation of the REST API


  • HTTP
    • GET /registry returns the URIs for all registered objects, together with the supported REST operation (GET or PUT).
    • Each object can be queried for its schema using a GET operation on the URI of that object, suffixed by /schema. The format of the schema is opaque to the ZeroEQ http server, but using JSON schema ( to describe the JSON data provided by servus::Serializable is recommended. Objects which did not implement servus::Serializable::getSchema() do not provide the /schema endpoint and hence return an error 404.
  • C++
    • zeroeq::http::Server
      • New: bool handlePUT( const std::string& event, const std::string& schema, const PUTFunc& func );
      • New: bool handlePUT( const std::string& event, const std::string& schema, const PUTPayloadFunc& func );
      • New: bool handleGET( const std::string& event, const std::string& schema, const GETFunc& func );
    • servus::Serializable
      • New: virtual std::string getSchema() const { return std::string(); }


  • Get a list of all registered objects:
  • Get JSON schema for a specific object:
    • Request: GET http://hostname:port/lexis/render/lookout/schema
    • Response:
      1 {
      2  "title": "LookOut",
      3  "name": "LookOut",
      4  "type": "object",
      5  "properties": {
      6  "matrix": {
      7  "type": "array",
      8  "items": {
      9  "type": "number"
      10  },
      11  "minItems": 16,
      12  "maxItems": 16,
      13  "default": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
      14  }
      15  },
      16  "required": ["matrix"],
      17  "additionalProperties": false
      18 }


  • registry and schema are both keywords that correspond to GET requests. They both need to be handled by the _processGet method of the zeroeq::http::Server implementation.
  • This mechanism should be transparent to the user of the class, and should be handled internally to the zeroeq::http::Server. The schema can be requested at any time on invocation of the getSchema() method on the registered object.