ZeroEQ  0.9.0
ZeroEQ - Zero Event Queue
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NzeroeqPublish-subscribe and request-reply
 NconnectionConnection broker to introduce remote publishers to a subscriber
 CBrokerBrokers subscription requests for a zeroeq::Receiver
 CServiceSubscribes a Publisher to a remote receiver using a connection::Broker
 NhttpHTTP protocol support
 CRequestHTTP Request with method, path and body
 CResponseResponse to an HTTP Request
 CServerServes HTTP GET and PUT requests for servus::Serializable objects
 CClientRequests a remote procedure call on a Server
 CMonitorMonitors a Sender and notifies on events on its socket
 CPublisherServes and publishes events, consumed by Subscriber
 CReceiverBase class for entities receiving data
 CSenderInterface for entities sending data
 CServerServes request from one or more Client(s)
 CSubscriberSubscribes to Publisher to receive events
 CURIEnhances servus::URI to guarantee the existance of a schema and to allow construction of [host][:port] URIs from string
 CVersionInformation about the current ZeroEQ version
 CVersionInformation about the current ZeroEQHTTP version