ZeroEQ  0.9.0
ZeroEQ - Zero Event Queue

Certain algorithms need synchronous, RPC-like exchanges. This specification describes a client-server API based on zmq req-rep (dealer/router) sockets.


  • Asynchronous remote procedure call with later return synchronization from a Client to a Server


using ReplyFunc = std::function<void(const uint128_t&, const void*, size_t)>;

class Client : public Receiver
    // ctors same as Subscriber
    /** @return false on send error */
    bool request(const Serializable& request, ReplyFunc& func);

using ReplyData = std::pair< uint128_t, servus::Serializable::Data >;
using HandleFunc = std::function<ReplyData(const void*, size_t)>;

class Server : public Receiver
    // ctors as Publisher
    void handle(const uint128_t& request, HandleFunc& func)


  • Maps closely to ZeroMQ
    • Client uses a dealer socket, receive() will call ReplyFunc
    • Server::receive() uses a rep socket
      • Single-threaded, synchronous for now
      • Can be extended to async model later
      • does recv()->send()
  • Client::request is fully asynchronous
  • ReplyFunc will get 0, nullptr, 0 if server has no handle func


Get-Set of Objects

Debatable use case: get and set will be served by one of the connected servers. The get and set need to call receive(), potentially serving other pending requests.

Object object;
server.handle(zeroeq::GET | zeroeq::SET, object ;

ObjectPtr object = client.get<Object>();

template<class O> std::unique_ptr<O> Client::get()
    std::unique_ptr<O> object;
    request( zeroeq::GetObject( O::ZEROBUF_TYPE_IDENTIFIER()),
        [&]( const uint128_t& type, const void* data, const size_t size ){
            check type match
            object = new O;
            object->fromBinary(data, size);

    while( !object && timeout > 0 )
        update timeout;
    return object;

Livre Remote DataSource

class livre::RemoteDataSource
    RemoteDataSource(const DataSourcePluginData& initData)
        _client.request( initData.uri,
            [&]( const uint128_t& type, const void* data, const size_t size ){
                handle mismatch return type
       = *VolumeInformation::create( data, size );
        _client.receive( TIMEOUT );

    MemoryUnitPtr getData(const LODNode& node)
        MemoryUnitPtr block;
        _client.request({node, _uri},
                    [&]( const uint128_t& type, const void* data, const size_t size ){
                        handle mismatch return type
                        block = new AllocMemoryUnit(size);
                        memcpy data to block

        _client.receive( TIMEOUT );
        return block;

    zeroeq::Client _client;

class livre::RemoteDataService
    RemoteDataService(const URI& uri) // does not return
        _server.handle(URI::getTypeIdentifier(), &_getInfo);
        _server.handle(LODNode::getTypeIdentifier(), &_getData);

        while( _server.receive()) /*nop*/ ;

    zeroeq::Server _server;

    ReplyData _getInfo(const void* data, const size_t size)
        ConstURIPtr uri = livre::URI::create(data, size);
        if( openAndCacheDatasource( *uri ))
            return { info.getTypeIdentifier(), info.toBinary() };
        return {};

    ReplyData _getData(const void* data, const size_t size)
        ConstLODNodeURIPtr node = livre::LODNodeURI::create(data, size);
        // open data source if needed, error handling, ...
        const auto& data = dataSource.getData(*node);
        return {data.getTypeIdentifier(), data.toBinary()};


1: Shall the handle function return a future like the http::Server?

Resolution: No: The http::Server manages internal thread(s) for the protocol handling. The zmq rep socket does not, and a multithreaded server would still call handle() synchronously from each worker thread.

2: Is the client a receiver?

Resolution: Yes: The get method only sends the request, the reply is received in receive() and correlated to the request.

3: Do we need to type the reply data?

Resolution: Yes: If the return value data is not typed, it requires that the client and server use the same object and version for this, i.e., the hard versioning of ZeroBuf wrt member layout is lost. The ID is not part of the ZeroBuf, so it needs separate transport and checking in server/client. This also allows different return types for a single request.

4. Should Client::request() return a future?

Resolution: No: This complicates the implementation and contract. It can be layered on top easily.

The proposed API makes the contract explicit: All requests on a client are sent round-robin to all connected servers, and replies arrive in a random order in receive. A future-based API would need to de-multiplex and buffer the incoming requests to the corresponding futures, either from future.get() or .wait() or a separate thread. A user can as well track the outstanding requests, either by the objects sent back or through futures, and still has the full control when this happens. When a common use case and the associated contract becomes clear this can be implemented on top of this API.