LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zeroeq - server.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: ZeroEQ Lines: 0 1 0.0 %
Date: 2017-12-01 01:44:57 Functions: 0 2 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : 
       2             : /* Copyright (c) 2017, Human Brain Project
       3             :  *           
       4             :  */
       5             : 
       6             : #pragma once
       7             : 
       8             : #include <zeroeq/api.h>
       9             : #include <zeroeq/receiver.h> // base class
      10             : #include <zeroeq/sender.h>   // base class
      11             : #include <zeroeq/types.h>
      12             : 
      13             : namespace zeroeq
      14             : {
      15             : /**
      16             :  * Serves request from one or more Client(s).
      17             :  *
      18             :  * The session is tied to ZeroConf announcement and can be disabled by passing
      19             :  * zeroeq::NULL_SESSION as the session name.
      20             :  *
      21             :  * Example: @include tests/reqRep.cpp
      22             :  */
      23           0 : class Server : public Receiver, public Sender
      24             : {
      25             : public:
      26             :     /**
      27             :      * Create a default server.
      28             :      *
      29             :      * Postconditions:
      30             :      * - bound to all network interfaces
      31             :      * - runs on a random port
      32             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
      33             :      * - announces session \<username\> or ZEROEQ_SERVER_SESSION from
      34             :      * environment
      35             :      *
      36             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
      37             :      */
      38             :     ZEROEQ_API Server();
      39             : 
      40             :     /**
      41             :      * Create a server which announces itself using the specified session.
      42             :      *
      43             :      * Postconditions:
      44             :      * - bound to all network interfaces
      45             :      * - runs on a random port
      46             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
      47             :      * - announces given session
      48             :      *
      49             :      * @param session session name used for announcement
      50             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
      51             :      */
      52             :     ZEROEQ_API explicit Server(const std::string& session);
      53             : 
      54             :     /**
      55             :      * Create a server which runs on the specified URI.
      56             :      *
      57             :      * Postconditions:
      58             :      * - bound to the host and/or port from the given URI
      59             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
      60             :      * - announces session \<username\> or ZEROEQ_SERVER_SESSION from
      61             :      * environment
      62             :      *
      63             :      * @param uri publishing URI in the format [*|host|IP|IF][:port]
      64             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
      65             :      */
      66             :     ZEROEQ_API explicit Server(const URI& uri);
      67             : 
      68             :     /**
      69             :      * Create a server which runs on the specified URI and announces the
      70             :      * specified session.
      71             :      *
      72             :      * Postconditions:
      73             :      * - bound to the host and/or port from the given URI
      74             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
      75             :      * - announces given session
      76             :      *
      77             :      * @param session session name used for announcement
      78             :      * @param uri publishing URI in the format [*|host|IP|IF][:port]
      79             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
      80             :      */
      81             :     ZEROEQ_API Server(const URI& uri, const std::string& session);
      82             : 
      83             :     /**
      84             :      * Create a default server.
      85             :      *
      86             :      * Postconditions:
      87             :      * - bound to all network interfaces
      88             :      * - runs on a random port
      89             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
      90             :      * - announces session \<username\> or ZEROEQ_SERVER_SESSION from
      91             :      * environment
      92             :      *
      93             :      * @param shared another receiver to share data reception with
      94             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
      95             :      */
      96             :     ZEROEQ_API explicit Server(Receiver& shared);
      97             : 
      98             :     /**
      99             :      * Create a server which announces itself using the specified session.
     100             :      *
     101             :      * Postconditions:
     102             :      * - bound to all network interfaces
     103             :      * - runs on a random port
     104             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
     105             :      * - announces given session
     106             :      *
     107             :      * @param session session name used for announcement
     108             :      * @param shared another receiver to share data reception with
     109             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
     110             :      */
     111             :     ZEROEQ_API Server(const std::string& session, Receiver& shared);
     112             : 
     113             :     /**
     114             :      * Create a server which runs on the specified URI.
     115             :      *
     116             :      * Postconditions:
     117             :      * - bound to the host and/or port from the given URI
     118             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
     119             :      * - announces session \<username\> or ZEROEQ_SERVER_SESSION from
     120             :      * environment
     121             :      *
     122             :      * @param uri publishing URI in the format [*|host|IP|IF][:port]
     123             :      * @param shared another receiver to share data reception with
     124             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
     125             :      */
     126             :     ZEROEQ_API Server(const URI& uri, Receiver& shared);
     127             : 
     128             :     /**
     129             :      * Create a server which runs on the specified URI and announces the
     130             :      * specified session.
     131             :      *
     132             :      * Postconditions:
     133             :      * - bound to the host and/or port from the given URI
     134             :      * - announces itself on the _zeroeq_rep._tcp ZeroConf service as host:port
     135             :      * - announces given session
     136             :      *
     137             :      * @param session session name used for announcement
     138             :      * @param uri publishing URI in the format [*|host|IP|IF][:port]
     139             :      * @param shared another receiver to share data reception with
     140             :      * @throw std::runtime_error if session is empty or socket setup fails
     141             :      */
     142             :     ZEROEQ_API Server(const URI& uri, const std::string& session,
     143             :                       Receiver& shared);
     144             : 
     145             :     /** Destroy this server. */
     146             :     ZEROEQ_API ~Server();
     147             : 
     148             :     ZEROEQ_API Server(Server&&);
     149             :     ZEROEQ_API Server& operator=(Server&&);
     150             : 
     151             :     /**
     152             :      * Register a request handler.
     153             :      *
     154             :      * Exceptions in a request handler are considered an error (0 is returned to
     155             :      * client).
     156             :      *
     157             :      * @param request the request to handle
     158             :      * @param func the function to call on receive() of a Client::request()
     159             :      * @return true if subscription was successful, false otherwise
     160             :      */
     161             :     ZEROEQ_API bool handle(const uint128_t& request, const HandleFunc& func);
     162             : 
     163             :     /**
     164             :      * Remove a registered request handler.
     165             :      *
     166             :      * @return true if the handler was removed, false if it was not registered.
     167             :      */
     168             :     ZEROEQ_API bool remove(const uint128_t& request);
     169             : 
     170             :     /**
     171             :      * Get the server URI.
     172             :      *
     173             :      * Contains the used hostname and port, if none where given in the
     174             :      * constructor uri.
     175             :      *
     176             :      * @return the server URI.
     177             :      */
     178             :     ZEROEQ_API const URI& getURI() const;
     179             : 
     180             :     /** @return the session name that is announced */
     181             :     ZEROEQ_API const std::string& getSession() const;
     182             : 
     183             : private:
     184             :     class Impl;
     185             :     std::unique_ptr<Impl> _impl;
     186             : 
     187             :     Server(const Server&) = delete;
     188             :     Server& operator=(const Server&) = delete;
     189             : 
     190             :     // Receiver API
     191             :     void addSockets(std::vector<detail::Socket>& entries) final;
     192             :     bool process(detail::Socket& socket) final;
     193             :     void addConnection(const std::string& uri) final;
     194             : 
     195             :     // Sender API
     196             :     ZEROEQ_API zmq::SocketPtr getSocket() final;
     197             : };
     198             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.11