207: Unify name resolution between Publisher and http::Server
203: HTTP server extension for generic REST interfaces. Users can now:
use all standard HTTP verbs: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
set a response header, including content type
set a custom response payload for all action verbs
use a std::future to avoid blocking the main thread
register a single endpoint for collections
filter collections using a query string with GET requests
192: Fix HTTP server segfault when registering an empty endpoint, throw an exception instead.
190: Fix HTTP server segfault when accessing the root element (GET '/').
189: Fix missing/wrong HTTP server socket notifications from zeroeq::http::Server::getSocketDescriptor(); clients are now guaranteed to be properly notified on read/incoming messages. This feature is not supported on Windows.
handlePUT( serializable/event ) instead of subscribe()
handleGET( serializable/event ) instead of register_()
remove( serializable/event ) instead of unsubscribe() and unregister()
/registry endpoint returns handled events/objects
<registry-item>/schema endpoints return schema describing the events/objects. For servus::Serializable objects the schema is provided via getSchema(), for events the schema can be optionally provided via handlePUT() and handleGET()
179: Fix http server blocking issues with libzmq 4.1.4
Custom/user-defined schemas in URIs for publisher and subscriber are used as session name. Porting to new constructors with explicit session name is recommended if fixed session name is desired.
zeq::Publisher::getPort() removed, use zeq::Publisher::getURI().getPort() instead
Release 0.4 (02-11-2015)
98: Disable zeroconf subscriptions to publishers in the same process
97: Added a small command line tool to send events parsed from a script file.