ZeroBuf  0.3.0
Zero-copy, zero-serialize, zero-hassle protocol buffers
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Czerobuf::ZerobufBase class for all Zerobuf serializable objects
 Czerobuf::AllocatorAllocator base class and interface
 Czerobuf::ConstAllocatorA zerobuf root allocator which gives read-only access to its data
 Czerobuf::DynamicSubAllocatorBase< A >A zerobuf child allocator which manages a dynamic allocation of statically-sized members
 Czerobuf::NonMovingBaseAllocatorAllocator base class which does not move existing fields
 Czerobuf::NonMovingAllocatorA zerobuf root allocator which does not move existing fields
 Czerobuf::NonMovingSubAllocatorBase< A >A zerobuf child allocator which does not move existing fields
 Czerobuf::StaticSubAllocatorBase< A >A zerobuf child allocator which manages a static sub-struct
 Czerobuf::Vector< T >STL-like vector abstraction for dynamic arrays in a zerobuf
 Czerobuf::VersionInformation about the current ZeroBuf version